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4 Podcasts you should consider listening to this week

Being able to learn new things without actually having to read something (even though I do love it a lot), is the best thing about podcasts, right? I don’t always have time to read the list of extremely interesting articles that I honour with a “Save for later” star on Facebook. But not only Facebook, let’s be honest right now, my list of favorites on Google is, in fact, a cemetery of unread words that I am still planning on reading sometime. You feel me?

Podcasts are different. All you have to do is click on “Podcasts” direct link on your phone and hit browse. Genius. Especially for me, for example, I have now found a very good way of using my shellac appointments and not feeling like those 45 minutes of my life were a complete waste of time. YAY.

So why not dig into this exciting art of podcasting too? Here we go:

1. Marketing School | Digital Marketing | Online Marketing
Small things make the difference | EP. #638

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This is just a short reminder of how small things can create a great impact. Even though this short podcast series is focusing on Digital and Online Marketing subjects, I believe what they say can also apply to your daily life. How a small change like preplanning your food, for example, can create a huge difference in your daily schedule. A nice, short and precise way of reminding us that small things do matter and how they are extremely important for your business.

Duration: Around 10 minutes – Perfect for your coffee break!


2. Motivation to move | Daily Rules of Happiness
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A good way of starting your day. This is literally a positive dose of motivation and happiness check. How happy are you today? How is your life going? He calls this “doing your homework”. Once again a short way of opening your eyes when your day is not going as you were planning it to go.

Personal tip: jump straight on to minute 3:50, unfortunately, this Episode was sponsored and takes a little longer to start with the “sassy” information.

Duration: Appx. 12 mins – A great way of spending your morning walk/trip to the office.


3. Nina Wrodnigg | |

Episode #5 – Coffee Talk: Sylvia Rill – Wedding Planner
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Nina has already a series of six coffee talks where she chats with other people in creative business and asks them about their experience as professionals. I particularly like this “coffee talk” with Sylvia Rill, a local wedding planner, who has just adventured herself into the beautiful world of weddings by herself – Keep up the good work Nina!

Duration: About 40 minutes – Ideal to listen to while cooking and having a nice glass of wine at home.


4. How I built this by Guy Raz | Rent the runway: Jenn Hyman
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How I built this series by Guy Raz is an extremely narrative journey on examples of entrepreneurship and other success stories. Extremely interesting and worth listening to. On this episode, they focus on Jenn Hyman, CEO of Rent the Runway.

Duration: Almost an hour – Maybe for your set of exercises!

We also asked you on Instagram about your personal recommendations on Podcasts. Thanks for all your send-ins! All of them are now on my playlist ready to hit play as soon as I have some time.

– “Gretchen Rubin” – Life Changing

– “The real world”

– “Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations”


Lernen ohne Lesen: Hier helfen Podcasts. Wie die meisten, finde auch ich selten die Zeit, all’ die äusserst interessanten Beiträge zu lesen, die ich mit einem “Save for later” Sternchen auf Facebook markiere. Oder meine Favoritenliste auf Google: ein einziger Friedhof! Deshalb Podcasts. Ich klicke auf den Podcast-Link auf meinem Handy, und schon browse ich los.

  1. Das Letzte aus der Welt des Digital und Online Marketing (sehr knapp, jeweils nur 10 Minuten):
  2. Der Motivationscheck für den frühen Morgen (12 Minuten):
  3. Leute aus der Kreativbranche erzählen von ihren Erfahrungen (40 Minuten):
  4. Über Unternehmertum und andere Erfolgsgeschichten (60 Minuten):

Zuletzt noch einige Empfehlungen, die ihr uns über Instagram geschickt habt (vielen Dank!):

– “Gretchen Rubin” – Life Changing

– “The real world”

– “Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations”

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