Dreaming is (still) free, that’s why when someone asks us about our desired destination we go bananas and our brain automatically starts daydreaming of fanciful places where we could totally imagine ourselves in. It might be the memories of the salty breeze. It might just be the incredible adventures we experienced that make our soul want to be re-filled with more and more adventures, far away from our comfort zone and far away from our daily lives. Travelling fills your soul they say. So travel. Live. Explore. Adventure is out there, all you need to do is, take it.
My Facebook memories showed up this morning and that put me unconsciously into a time travel journey of my own. I remembered those times where all I had was a bag full of stuff that helped me survive a whole summer trip. Then came the big trip with Emilian. Such good memories go through my mind. It might be time to travel again. Travelling is always a good idea they also say. While these flashbacks were hitting my mind, I felt very curious about what the girls considered their dream destination and I decided to ask them.
I asked Caro the first, simply because she was sitting close to me and she asked me if it had to be “realistic”. I chuckled a bit and asked her…where do you want to go? To the moon? And she answered: “Yes…I’d love to chill on the moon!”. That made us all laugh. Eventually, she came up with a new idea, considering the fact that the express rocket flights to the moon are not still available for us “normal” humans. Her new dream destination (apart from the moon of course) is Australia because she wants to “swim with the Kangaroos”. Her words, not mine. Good thing dreaming is still free.
Lilly on her end, currently on vacations in Tel Aviv, said she would happily stay there forever. Her daily stories on Instagram back her up. I’ve heard fantastic things about Tel Aviv. Its people. Its markets. Its vibes simply. No wonder why she wants to stay – but we need you Lilly. Please come back.
Antonia (sitting right here next to me with a stunning golden tan from the weekend), first had to make sure Caro was not intoxicated by alcohol after her unique response. Then she told me that she finds her inner peace in the country of the origin. The land of mythology. Greece. She simply loves it and it will forever be her favourite travel escape.
Tati’s dream destination is currently located right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Between the Philippines and the Californian coast, her latest wish is to visit the Hawaiian Islands. All of them she said. She grew up on the beach and therefore, tends to find happiness in the “Flip-flops all day and salty hair” panorama. I can totally relate to that, in fact, that takes me to my latest dreamed destination.
I would love to travel to Bora Bora, in French Polynesia though, not to mistaken with the club in Ibiza. My dreams are now too focussed on the turquoise-hued beaches in Bora Bora. The white sand surrounded by a lagoon and a stunning coral reef, that could already be a dream to visit by itself. Being able to live, even for a week on those floatable apartments, honestly keeps me awake at night. Simply perfect in every way. I’ll try my best to make this dream come true. Self-promise.
Träume kosten nichts. Fragt man uns also, wohin wir reisen möchten, so kommen uns sofort tausend Ideen von Orten, an denen wir sein möchten. Wir erinnern uns an vergangene Abenteuer, und schon möchten wir neue Abenteuer erleben, weit entfernt von unserem Hier und Jetzt. Warum auch nicht? Nur Mut! Lebt Eure Träume aus! Entdeckt die Welt! Ihr müsst Euch bloss auf den Weg machen.
Da erinnere ich mich an meine eigenen Reisen. Mal war ich allein mit einer grossen Tasche unterwegs – sie reichte mir für einen ganzen Sommer. Dann kam meine Rundtour mit Emilian. Reisen macht wirklich Spass, und vielleicht wird es auch für mich wieder mal Zeit. So kam mir die Idee, meine Mitarbeiterinnen nach ihren Traumzielen zu befragen.
Caro möchte auf den Mond und dort chillen. Ja, Ihr habt richtig gehört: auf den Mond. Und weil das vielleicht im Moment doch noch ein bisschen zu teuer ist, käme auch Australien in Frage. Dort wolle sie mit den Kängurus schwimmen (viel Glück, Caro!).
Lilly ist zurzeit in Tel Aviv, und sie liebt die Stadt. Eigentlich kein Grund, wieder heimzukommen. Aber wir brauchen sie!!!
Antonia hat ihre Wurzeln in Griechenland, und dort zieht es sie immer wieder hin. Griechenland ist und bleibt ihre grosse Liebe.
Tati träumt vom Pazifik, von den Inseln um Hawaii. Sie wuchs am Meer auf. Deshalb gehören Flip-flops und von der salzigen Luft zerzauste Haare für sie einfach dazu.
Mich selbst lockt es nach Bora Bora, in das ferne Französisch-Polynesien (nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Club auf Ibiza!). In meinen Träumen sehe ich schon die türkisblaue Lagune und dahinter das unglaublich schöne Korallenriff direkt vor mir. Aber eigentlich lässt mich diese Idee nicht nur träumen; sie raubt mir den Schlaf! OK, ich werde alles dransetzen, meinen Traum in die Wirklichkeit umzusetzen. Lena, versprochen!