Work-Life balance is a thing of the past. What is currently trending, is the “work-blending” concept. However, that doesn’t mean that we have less time for our free time, it means that we have to become every day more “pros” at managing our own time schedules in order to reach our balance. We must still be able to separate work from our private life, and finding the ideal personal equilibrium, in my opinion …is an art.
As a full-time working mom who is constantly “swimming in the pool of social media”, I find society can be quite pushy. Social media is intimidating. The rhythm we are trying to follow can be sometimes even dangerous. I like to wake up between 6 and 6:30 every morning like this, I am able to step into a brand-new day with the right energy. A day is full of opportunities and we need to be able to spot them. Once you allow them to leave, they will be gone forever. We are most productive during the mornings, so waking up early to be able to have a little bit of time for me (while Emilian usually sleeps a little longer) is crucial in my current situation.
Since we launched the agency one year ago my calendar began to look like a colourful rainbow. My phone agenda is extremely important to me and separating it into colours helps me to spot my priorities at all times. Long live the iPhone.
Once in the office, I try to put my phone away as much as possible. In fact, my message notifications are completely on silent. Proud moment right there. It is scientifically proven that any type of distraction at your workplace automatically throws you out of the working mood and this in the creative industry is fatal. They say that it takes up to 20 minutes to focus back again on what you were up to.
Once at home, I definitely don’t live on the Pinterest standards. In fact, my breakfasts look more like this.
My so-called “morning routine” is a minefield of different products with un-matching tops and opened make-up products. However, I must admit that in order to manage all these, I do have to put some other stuff in a secondary position. Our apartment does definitely not look like those from the internet. The dirty laundry basket for instance usually gets to play a second role in our real-life movie and tries its best at not looking like Mountain Everest every so often. Way to go laundry basket. You rock. Stay strong.
Most importantly, I am proud to say that Emilian and I live our own life (travelling with a 2 y.o. child through Asia?). I dislike people to compare themselves to other. My life is my life and it is good as it is and Emilian’s smile reminds me of this last part every day and that makes me the happiest person on earth. Stay true to yourself!
Das Konzept der Work-Life-Balance ist mehr und mehr passé. Immer mehr kommt es nämlich darauf an, einen 100%-Job auf intelligente Weise mit den Anforderungen an mich als Mutter ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Für mich ist das nur möglich, wenn ich meine Zeit absolut professionell einteile und Tricks, die mir das Leben erleichtern, konsequent einsetze. Und ich habe immer noch den Anspruch, Arbeit und Leben zu trennen – auch wenn es immer schwieriger wird.
Was also mache ich?
Ich versuche, regelmässig zwischen 6:00 Uhr und 6:30 Uhr aufzustehen. So habe ich ein wenig Zeit nur für mich; denn Emilian schläft dann noch. Nur so kann ich mit der genügenden Energie in den Tag starten (zumindest versuche ich es!).
Um optimal organisiert zu sein, muss ich meine Termine konsequent nach Prioritäten ordnen. Entsprechend bunt sieht meine Agenda aus.
Einmal im Büro angekommen, halte ich das Telefon möglichst fern. Nachrichten treffen lautlos ein und stören nicht. Ich kann mir Ablenkungen einfach nicht erlauben.
Daheim konzentriere ich mich auf das Wesentliche. Beim Schminken am Morgen habe ich schnellen Zugriff auf die bevorzugten Kosmetika. Das Frühstück ist für Emilian schnell gerichtet (oder er isst im Kindergarten; ich schnappe mir einen Coffee to go). Die Wohnung bleibt oft unaufgeräumt und der Wäscheberg gleicht Mount Everest.
Was für mich entscheidend ist: Ich führe MEIN Leben. Ich schaue nicht, was andere machen. Ich stehe für mich, und wenn ich Emilians Augen dann strahlen sehe, weiss ich: Das Glück ist auf unserer Seite!
[…] Zeit nur so verflogen. Wir beschäftigten uns mit der Frage, wie sich eine 100%ige Tätigkeit im Beruf mit den Pflichten einer Mutter verbinden lässt. Wir stärkten unsere Energiereserven mit dem Detox-Programm von Urban […]
[…] It was a warm Monday morning on the last week of May and I was still running around the city on the hunt of some more Spiderman and princess style decorations. Emilian had strictly demanded a Spiderman-Princess party some weeks before his 5th birthday and he didn’t hesitate about it for a second. The challenge was set. While running my business, I had to prepare Emilian’s 5th birthday party and make sure everything was ready in time. Oh, here we go again: The art of finding your balance between work and private life… […]
[…] meiner Gellac-Nägel. YAY! Wenn ich mal wieder einen Pedikür-Termin verschieben muss (typisch für eine Working Mom), kann ich den Nachwuchs mit dem Essie-Lack […]
[…] wie ich Beruf und Kind unter einen Hut bringen muss, dies zudem in einer umfassend digitalisierten Welt, braucht dringend […]
[…] immer leicht – genauso wenig wie der Versuch, jeden Tag gut gelaunt zu sein oder auch nur die innere Balance zu […]
[…] one to find myself working late at night, so this is a good reminder for myself too. We should always try to find our balance, and even more, if you are combining your fulltime job with your mom duties. By finding our balance […]
[…] Distraction, distractions and more distractions. The constant work-at-home enemy. Mompreneurship might include a good dose of working-at-home, and we must be extremely focused on what we are doing in order to be able to fight against these unwanted distractions. Especially in the creative industries. As you might already have heard, once you are thrown out of what you are currently trying to do, it can take us, creatives, up to 20 minutes if not, even more, to get back into the mood. Back into rocking the project we were working on. Unfortunately, this is too much time and many of us working mothers cannot afford such a luxury, so here are some of the measures I like to implement (or try my best to do) while working at home. […]
[…] is the month of falling back into reality. Time to go back to the normal schedules. Finding our work-life balance again and letting our summer memories at the back of our minds just for a little […]
[…] already know I believe in the ideal balance, between work and personal life especially. But preparing for your week can help you find your balance faster and have a very […]
[…] a bigger part of your daily routine and you will need the support of your friends and family. Find your own Work-Life-Balance and remember you don’t need to make it work every single […]