It’s late, he’s sleeping. It was a long summer and we are both happily tired. We were busy doing … fun stuff. The kind of fun stuff that we won’t get to do as much when summer comes to an end and reality hits us.
I’m sitting on the couch with the windows open. The breeze reminds me of Ibiza, but I force my heart and memories to land back in Vienna. How did it happen? Time, I mean. How did it go by so fast? We are already at the end of August and Emilian is about to start his last year of kindergarten. September is the month of falling back into reality. A reality check I like to call it. Everyone suddenly wants and demands everything that hasn’t been done during the summer break. Back to the time matter though. I still find it shocking how the world can spin so fast. One day you are on point A and the next day you are on point Z, and everything between those two points is history. I have the cheeky feeling that the world spins faster after becoming a mother though. I remember my mother saying over and over again, how fast time went and I remember thinking… does it? My biology exam sure didn’t feel like it went by fast!
Now I get it.
If I think of all the stuff that happened this year so far, it gives me the chills. At the office, new clients, trips here and there, exciting projects. A whole new team and many different new collaborations that have kept the mit Handkuss project rocking. At home, Emilian turned 5 this year. FIVE. How did that even happen? I think I should stop asking myself that question. I don’t really think it is really a matter of time, however, I believe it is a matter of what you do with this time. Enjoying every minute. Living the life (to the max) you would like to remember when you are older. Making sure your kids have the best memories for them to remember when they grow older. At the end of the day, it really isn’t about the time.
It is simply all about the ride.
Ich sitze am Fenster, schaue in den Abend und weiss: Schon bald, ab September, ist es vorbei mit Sommer und Vergnügen. Dann geht das “wahre” Leben, der tägliche Irrsinn, wieder los.
Und da frage ich mich: Wie ist es möglich, dass Zeit so schnell vergeht? Heute bist du hier, morgen dort … und was dazwischenliegt, ist bereits Geschichte. Die Zeit, wo bleibt sie? Ich weiss es nicht. Und jetzt, wo ich Mutter bin, geht alles noch einmal viel schneller. Ich erinnere mich, wie meine Mutter immer wieder über die verlorene Zeit klagte. Damals verstand ich sie nicht. Heute weiss ich, was sie meinte.
Doch ist es wirklich die gemessene Zeit, die zählt? Ist es nicht viel mehr die erlebte Zeit, auf die es ankommt? Auf die Quality Time in deinem Leben? Ja, da bin ich mir sicher: Entscheidend ist, ein Leben zu führen, das dieses Leben wert ist. Die Zeit verbringen mit Dingen, die Freude machen. Jede Minute sinnvoll und zur eigenen Zufriedenheit nutzen. Dann – und erst dann – wirst du dich gern zurückerinnern an dein Leben. Und erst dann werden deine Kinder später einmal die tollsten Erinnerungen an ihre Jugendjahre haben.
Nein, es ist nicht die verlorene Zeit, die zählt. Es ist, was du aus deiner Zeit gemacht hast. Go for it … love what you do!
[…] hello September, you came by pretty fast. Time flew by and I didn’t even realise. September is the month of falling back into reality. Time to go back […]
[…] life can be quite hectic. Emilian needs me constantly, except during kindergarten hours of course. Once he is asleep, my “second shift” begins. Laundry, getting stuff ready for tomorrow, late emails and a bunch […]