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Monday Journal #11

Well hello September, you came by pretty fast. Time flew by and I didn’t even realise. September is the month of falling back into reality. Time to go back to the normal schedules. Finding our work-life balance again and letting our summer memories at the back of our minds just for a little longer…

It’s the first week of September and Emilian started his last year of kindergarten. I repeat… his LAST year of kindergarten – I might put some words together about that too… Any other moms to last-year-kindergarten toddlers out there?

In the office, everything is also going back to “normal” we are all back from our summer holidays, except for Tati who will come back in a few days. We have a lot of new projects to plan and new topics and content to create. Even though not much has changed since our very first Monday Journal, our content is about to veer in a slightly new direction. Stay tuned on the blog to check the upcoming content.

In the meantime, there were some things happening in Vienna. Lilly, for example, went to one of the last Wiener Albertina after-work parties last Wednesday. For all of those new in town, this is one of the best after-office events in Vienna. Located right in the heart of the city. A bunch of people from different offices, agencies and anyone around the area, get together here. The aim is only to dance and have fun after a long day at work. Live music is played until 22:00 and then it’s time to head home and prepare for the next day. We might consider going this week…hmmm!

Last but not least, Lilly and Caro went to the Lillet Event at Cafe Francais in Stadtpark last week. According to the girls, despite the fact that the Flammkuchen were in-cre-di-ble, the highlight of the whole event would definitely be their drinks. The possibilities were endless but they set their focus on these four types: Lillet with All I need, the classic Lillet spritz, Lillet Berry and Lillet Vive with tonic water – All of them are now on our list of favourite summer drinks!

Thanks, Lillet for the invitation!


Schon September! Das ging flink – die Zeit ist einfach nur so verflogen. Und das heisst: Das normale Leben kehrt zurück. Dann noch etwas, und ich  kann’s kaum wahrhaben: Emilians letztes Kindergartenjahr bricht an – das LETZTE. Kaum zu glauben!

Auch im Büro nähern wir uns wieder dem Normalbetrieb, Auch wenn sich seit dem ersten Monday Journal nicht viel geändert hat: Der Content wird zukünftig etwas anders aussehen. Deshalb umso mehr: dranbleiben!

Was haben wir so erlebt in den letzten zwei Wochen? Lilly verbrachte einen herrlichen Abend auf einer der After-work Parties in der Albertina. Tanzen, Spass haben, das Leben geniessen – ein idealer Ort mitten in der Stadt, offen bis um 22 Uhr. Gemeinsam mit Caro besuchte sie auch das Lillet-Fest im Café Français im Stadtpark. Schon die Flammkuchen waren grossartig. Noch besser aber waren die Lillet Drinks – ein Genuss.

Zum Schluss zwei Hinweise: Liebhaber von Fotografie werden sich die World Press 18 Ausstellung im WestLicht Museum (14.09.-21.10.) nicht entgehen lassen. Und dann entedeckten wir ein Notizbuch, das – der Namen sagt’s schon – auf alles passt: “There’s a book for that”. Ausprobieren!

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