Monday Journal #13

1. Oktober 2018

Monday morning again, this time it is Fall and we had to jump from our endless summer shoe gear into some warm boots this past week. Salute the winter closet, because it is here to stay!

Monkey 47

Before we all panicked and had to fall into our winter jackets though, we made it to the Monkey 47 event at Prater while it was still mild and sunny. First things first, we were offered a welcome drink… Gin of course! Once there we were welcomed by the event hostess, we were allowed to pick a ticket for our “Monkey 47 experience” ride with the Riesenrad. The whole vibes there screamed Circus in every way possible! Such a cool idea, right? There were mimes, old-style popcorn machines and many other characters of the show business that made the whole performance incredibly interesting. Scroll down for proof!


30th Blast

After this event, I had to prepare for my next happening, this time it was a family reunion, a birthday party to be more precise. My twin cousins – Marie & Kathi – turned nothing but 30. The party was insane, and it was such a blast that all the family from all around the world came to celebrate with them. I don’t want to forget the emotional speeches and all the laughs we shared throughout the night. Once again: HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY!!! All the best to both of you girls!

Fotocredit: Erwin Cetl

New Season, New (Home) Look

While I was still in Vienna, the cold nights awoke my urge to start looking into more cosy, fall home interior details. Am I the only one who felt this sudden shopping impulse? Here are some of my late-night picks:
[show_shopthepost_widget id=“3293974″]


For those of you who declare themselves Gustav Klimt lovers, there is currently an exhibition that might tickle your curiosity.

When: 22.06.2018 – 04.11.2018

Where: Leopold Museum, MuseumsQuartier, Museumsplatz 1

Oh, and as we all jump into the new week now … you might have already noticed from the Instagram Stories… I am still in Ibiza for business and pleasure of course 🙂 Anyways, I will be back very soon as we have work to do at the office. We are very busy at the moment and there are lots of exciting projects ahead, hence why, we are looking for an intern. This is your chance… Send us an e-mail to and you might be the lucky ducky to be on board. We are looking forward to welcoming a new team member, YAY!

Drop us a line:

Fotocredit: Erwin Cetl

Fotocredit: Erwin Cetl


Kaum zu glauben, aber auch dieser Supersommer geht zu Ende. Zeit, sich auf den Winter vorzubereiten. Vor allem auch in Sachen Kleidung! Aber auch, was das eigene Heim anbetrifft. So habe ich mich ein bisschen umgeschaut, womit du deine Wohnung – herbstgerecht – verschönern kannst. Einige Ideen seht ihr oben!

Noch bei warmen Temperaturen lud uns das Unternehmen “Monkey 47” in den Prater. Es gab ein gutes Gläschen Gin – what else? – , wir gingen aufs Riesenrad, wir liebten die Zirkuslaune um uns herum und das Gin-Wissen, dass uns vermittelt wurde. Interessant, spannend und WOW! Danke für die coole Einladung.

Unvergesslich und ein bezauberndes Fest war der 30-jährige Geburtstag meiner Zwillingscousinen Marie und Kathi. Wir erlebten einen supertollen Abend… Für manche auch bis in die frühen Morgenstunde 😉 Die Familie kam aus der ganzen Welt hereingeflogen, die Ansprachen waren schön emotional, kurzum: wir haben uns köstlich amüsiert. Noch einmal HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Was tut sich sonst in Wien? Gerade jetzt läuft die Vienna Design Week 2018 – immer ein Wiener Highlight im Herbst. Hier ist unser spezieller Tipp die “Urban Food & Design – Food in Progress”. Psssssst. läuft heute um 20h00 im Festivalzentrale (Apollogasse 19).

Noch bis Anfang November könnt ihr zudem die Gustav Klimt Ausstellung im Leopold Museum besuchen – für Klimt-Liebhaber ein Muss.

Zum Schluss und ganz, ganz wichtig: Wir haben immer mehr Projekte … und wir vergeben ein Praktikum. YAY! Schickt mit eine





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1 Comment

  • Reply Monday Journal #14 – mit Handkuss 15. Oktober 2018 at 10:58

    […] update: We have been having some busy times at the office, in fact, we are still looking for an intern to help us out, anybody? We also organized a yoga masterclass with an influencer for one of our clients. It […]

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