If we were to put these two weeks into words, it would surely be frenetic and slightly chaotic. We went through it all. From a broken brand new computer to a broken toe at the Vienna marathon. We like adventures at mit Handkuss, so we made sure we had them this week and no…we are not speaking about “Lava Lampe shot at Spelunke” type of adventure, sadly. So, while the girls prepared some delicious plates to bring to the office and share with the rest of the team every Monday, we were getting into two very busy weeks of new and fresh projects that are yet to come.
In between problem and problem, we proudly managed to create some amazing and unique content for mit Handkuss. From these incredible Spring looks inspirations to a cheeky ice cream tasting evening with Emilian, thanks to the mit Handkuss team’s inputs.
Quick update on the matter: We still have some to go, as we clearly didn’t manage to try all of them in one week. Good times.
We also collaborated with Coca-Cola to run the Vienna City Marathon last Sunday under an intense and zealously warm Sunday morning. The week before however, we did try to go “training”, but ended up taking a bunch of pictures instead – which brings us back to the fact that we created a big amount of new content for mit Handkuss and this makes us all very happy. So we are good.
We also left for Salzburg very early in the morning and once there, we joined the wonderful people from SalzburgMilch and a bunch of other bloggers and influencers. We had all travelled to the city of “The Sound of Music” to gather together for a nice brunch on the rooftop of the Imlauer Hotel Pittner in the middle of the city. Big shout out to SalzburgMilch for putting together this event!
As for me, I am very excited to welcome the cocktail season. You might have seen a little hint of it this week on Instagram Stories…It was my aunt’s 50th birthday, my first cocktail of the season. As well as roof-topping, cocktailing in Spring is one of my very favourite events to attend to. My aunt’s birthday, in particular, was incredible. It had been a warm day in Vienna and therefore the night was very mild too. There was live music within the guests and the glasses of champagne seemed to be endless. Cocktail dresses, small bites, happy people. What a perfect way to roll into the summer nights with the best energy. Bring on the cocktail season.
Zwei ungemein intensive Wochen liegen hinter uns. Wir haben sie vor allem auch genutzt, um den Content von mit Handkuss kräftig anzureichern. Hier eine Zusammenfassung: Wir ließen uns modisch für den Frühlingslook inspirieren, und wir machten die Runde durch die Wiener Eis-Szene. Ein Highlight war unsere Teilnahme am Vienna Marathon, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Coca-Cola. Danke für diese tolle Erfahrung! Wir besuchten H&M und bestaunten die neue exklusive Kollektion aus ausschließlich rezyklierten Materialien. Wir fuhren nach Salzburg und verbrachten eine großartige Zeit zusammen mit SalzburgMilch.
Schmunzelnd stellen wir fest, dass wir alle im Büro plötzlich Jeansjacken tragen. Wir lieben sie, und das zurecht; denn sie passen zu jedem Outfit und bleiben ewig jung. Zuletzt eine sehr persönliche Feststellung: Ich liebe Cocktails, und meine Tante lud zu einem prächtigen Geburtstagsfest ein. Nach einem großartig-sonnigem Tag ein milder, sanfter Abend: Der Einstieg in die Cocktail-Saison hätte nicht besser sein können!
1 Comment
[…] war das mit Handkuss-Team (Sneak Peek gab es in iunserem Monday Journal) zum Brunch bei SalzburgMilch eingeladen. Schon am frühen Morgen machten wir uns auf den Weg nach […]