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Monday Journal #22

Here we are half way through February and already counting the days until Spring arrives. But in the meantime, there are different types of events that will keep us busy until then.

Dear vintage lovers… doesn’t a Vintage Kilo Sale sound interesting to you? I am sure it does, every vintage addict loves this. This event will be happening on the 9th of March and it will be hosted by VinoKilo. Make sure you mark this on your calendar!

Curtains up… I visited the Burgtheater some days ago and spent a great evening with my dad watching the piece, “Medea”. Originally an old Greek piece, but this time it was staged in a completely modern way. It was incredible to watch, I literally could not take my eyes off the stage. Tho’ it was indeed “heavy” to see and made me think a lot. The story? A mother, two lovers and her young kids. The ending, impressive and super sad, I will say no more. In my opinion, it was the main actress, Caroline Peters playing the role of Anna, the mother, who was especially good. Absolutely recommendable to watch for those of you who are willing to enjoy a moving piece.

Find more about the piece here.

Another upcoming event… The Oscars Ceremony of course. One more time, Burg Kino in Vienna will broadcast the Academy Awards live during the night of Sunday, February 24 to Monday, February 25 starting at 1:30 am. This includes different activities during the ceremony, a photo booth, a small breakfast snack in the morning (since it does go on until late at night!) and an Oscar prediction contest! Pssst… if you dress up with your best gowns you will get some welcome drinks!!

Brilliant marketing move… You might have seen or read about it in the last days, but if you didn’t here’s a quick recap: Youtuber Casey Neistat from New York (and many other influencers) fell into the Burger King “marketing trap” on social media. The whole idea behind Burger King was having other people doing the promotion for them. How? Check this video. I must admit, it really is brilliant.

Travel update… Emilian and I spent a wonderful week in the mountains of Kitzbühel. It is always nice to unplug from the city life for a bit. Especially if you are flexible and can work from all over the world because the most important working tools are my notebook and cellphone.

As for the team, we currently have a Rome overdose at the office. Both, Tati and Caro travelled for the weekend. Funny thing is that both went for their birthdays. Caro flew in by surprise and spent more time exploring the city while Tati on the other side, spent more time shopping because in Rome do as the Romans do…! So clearly this is a sign that we must prepare a new 48 Hours City Guide with more secret details and spots to visit while in Rome. Say no more, next stop ROMA! If you have any cool recommendations, please send them over!



Currently inspired by…


Carina is a full-time mother of 2 (and another one on the way!), besides being a Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger.

Their current location: Salzburg



Lastly, some crucial information… Did you notice we posted a quick guide of the best-burger-spots-in-Vienna?? Yes, just in case you missed it, here it goes again. This type of information should never be forgotten. Bon appetite!


Emilian und ich verbrachten eine herrliche Winterwoche in Kitzbühel. Und dank moderner Elektronik waren wir dennoch mit Wien stets in Kontakt.

Meine Mitarbeiterinnen, Caro und Tati, verbrachten je ein Wochenende in Rom. Zurück brachten sie viele tolle Eindrücke und Ideen. Und schon bereiten wir einen neuen 48 Hours City Guide vor – Rome, here we come! Für eure Tipps und Hinweise sind wir natürlich immer sehr dankbar – schickt uns gerne jederzeit eine Message per Mail ( oder auch direkt auf Instagram.

Vintage-Liebhaber werden sich den 9. März in der Agenda rot anstreichen. Denn VinoKilo lädt zum großen Vintage Kilo-Sale ein. Nicht verpassen.

Sehenswert: Ein sehr, sehr eindrückliches Theaterstück erlebte ich im Burgtheater: die alte griechische “Medea” übersetzt in unsere Zeit. Harte Kost, aber großartig! Caroline Peters in der Rolle der Anna (statt Medea): einfach wunderbar.

Und schon wieder werden die Oscars verliehen. Wer live dabei sein möchte: Das Burg Kino überträgt die Zeremonie in der Nacht 24./25. Februar, ab 01.30 Uhr. Diverse Aktivitäten lockern die Nacht auf. Pssssst: Wenn ihr eure schönsten Kleider anzieht, gibt es einen Willkommenstrunk!

Einen ganz besonderen Marketing-Trick liess sich Burger King einfallen. Selbst der Youtuber Casey Neistat aus New York (und viele andere Influencer) sind voll reingefallen. Der Trick: Burger King liess andere Leute für sich werben. Well done!

Zum Schluss: Wir haben wieder einmal einen Überblick über die besten Burger-Restaurants gepostet. Falls ihr ihn verpasst haben solltet: Hier noch einmal … weil zu wichtig. Guten Appetit.

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