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Monday Journal #7

Mondays fly by much faster than I would like them to go. Every time I look back I can’t believe we are already halfway through the summer and that so many new projects just keep on coming up, we are definitely going to have a hard “back to school” situation in September – I’m excited though!

It’s the holiday season and the team is coming and going. Lilly just arrived back from Italy, where she spent a whole week travelling around different little towns and managed to rest after some long months of exams and working nonstop. She looks very relaxed and came back with a bunch of good vibes. Welcome back Lilly! Antonia on the other side just left the office to spend once again a few days in Italy, close to her hometown. Oh’ I too cannot wait until it’s my turn to unplug … Ibiza, I’m counting the days!

But while I wait for that time to arrive, I spent a beautiful weekend in Toulouse, France. In my defence, I will say that I did travel there with some friends to celebrate a massive birthday celebration. Four friends came together and organized a great party with over 220 friends from all over the world. La Grande Fête was placed in the beautiful Château de Poudenas and it lasted two whole days. The event started with a beautiful French-style picnic, followed by an apéritif on the terrace with breath-taking views and incredible live music. That same night we enjoyed a seated dinner on the courtyard and naturally then came the long night of dancing. After that amazing night of celebrations, we all met at the pool the day after the big party where we got to chill for the rest of the day. By far THE party of the year, I must say – Thank you Nici, Mitch, Anton and Ante. You guys rock!

A quick throwback to the office last week, we went Bobby-Car-Shooting. Even though almost everyone on Instagram voted for us to also go Bobby-Car-Racing after office, we were forced to abort that mission due to safety reasons.

However, this shooting had a whole different aim, an article that will probably stir some discussions but that I had been planning on writing about for a long time. Still working on it though… stay tuned!

As expected, our early morning improvised photo shooting was followed by some food. This time the whole team went for a nice breakfast at Figar in the 7th district. Luckily for us, the place was pretty empty and we got to enjoy both, our coffees and breakfasts calmly while Caroline tried to take some detailed pictures of our pretty looking Superfood bowls before we devoured them…with elegance of course!

Lately, I noticed that our Monday Journals are mostly “food” orientated, but there is not much I can do to change that. We are big food fans at mit Handkuss, that’s exactly why we were over the moon when we got the Uber Eats ‘picnic’ invitation to their summer event. I mean, who would say no to such an event, right? The tables were beautifully decorated and full of tasty fruits and some little snacks like hummus and veggies. Once we were all finally in the garden, we got to hear a brief introduction from the Uber Eats team and that gave a free pass to the food. We also enjoyed participating at the flower crown DIY workshop and taking pictures on the photo booth as well as enjoying some delicious dessert … ice cream! YAY.


Schon wieder zwei Wochen vorbei, sommerliche Wochen. Lilly machte endlich mal Ferien – in Italien, und Antonia bereitete sich auf ihren Heimaturlaub vor – ebenfalls in Italien. Ich selbst freue mich auf eine Woche Ibiza – nur noch ein paar Tage durchhalten!

Aber ich sollte nicht klagen … Denn ich durfte an DEM Fest teilnehmen. Ich war eingeladen zur Grande Fête im Château de Poudenas bei Toulouse, Frankreich. Vier Freunde hatten eingeladen, 220 Leute kamen, wir genossen den Apéritiv auf der Terrasse und das Nachtessen im Schlosshof, wir durchtanzten die Nacht. Am folgenden Sonntag lud uns der Pool zum Relaxen bei prächtigem Sonnenschein ein. Danke, danke! Welch’ herrliche Stunden!

Wir machten uns außerdem auf zum heiteren Bobby Car-Shooting. Nein, ein Rennen machten wir leider nicht, auch wenn unsere Instagram-Follower uns gern so gesehen hätten. Wir übrigens auch! Hintergrund ist allerdings ein Artikel, der demnächst erscheinen wird … und der sicher so einige Diskussionen auslösen wird. Stay tuned!

Am Wochenende zelebrierten wir außerdem mit EDITED den Auftakt in die kommende Herbst-Saison und folgten der Einladung zum exklusiven Pop-up Shopping. Verpasst? Alle neuen Samples gibt es ab sofort im Wiener Shop auf der Mariahilfer Straße!

Wir bedanken uns auch für die Einladung zum Uber Eats-Picknick. Wir sind hingegangen, und wir verbrachten einen herrlichen Abend. Wir wurden mit guten Drinks genauso wie mit kleinen Köstlichkeiten verwöhnt. Übrigens … Pharo war auch mit dabei. Er ist endlich zurück aus seinen Sommerferien. Im Büro verbreitet er wieder positive Energie; denn so sind Hunde: Sie geben Liebe und strahlen Ruhe aus. Welcome back, Pharo!

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