Sunday Thoughts: What Is A Powerful Mom?
The other night I was scrolling down my Facebook feed and I came across this „gallery style” article, where they referred to some women as the “most powerful moms of all…
The other night I was scrolling down my Facebook feed and I came across this „gallery style” article, where they referred to some women as the “most powerful moms of all…
I asked him, he looked up at me with his eyes wide open and then answered. The question was simple… what makes you happy Emilian? Is it strange to ask…
Sie kommt ursprünglich aus Kärnten, vom Wörthersee. Mit 19 gelangte sie als Studentin nach Wien, studierte Theater, Film und Kommnikationswissenschaften. Dann ging sie in die Filmindustrie und kehrte Österreich den…
It is time to fly into the kids’ universe… Welcome to the Mini Markt’s 7th edition. This weekend, families have the chance of visiting the little Miniversum at MuseumsQuartier. And…
Originally from Slovenia but with Italian roots from her mother side, Blanka moved to Vienna with the aim of starting her own fashion line. The fashion industry was a passion…