Monday Journal #2
If we were to put these two weeks into words, it would surely be frenetic and slightly chaotic. We went through it all. From a broken brand new computer to…
If we were to put these two weeks into words, it would surely be frenetic and slightly chaotic. We went through it all. From a broken brand new computer to…
Menschen brauchen Abenteuer. Das fängt in Kindesjahren an: Wir verstecken uns hinter dunklen Büschen. Wir sausen auf Dreirädern oder im Kinderauto den Hang hinab. Wir verschlingen Abenteuerromane. Wir wollen Räubergeschichten…
It is scientifically proven that feeling comfortable at your working place can make you be more productive. And no, we are not speaking just about a fresh bunch of seasonal…
We might still be a bit far away from the beginning of the summer, however, that does clearly not impede us from having ice cream. A lot of it actually.…
KOLLABORATION || COLLABORATION It is this time of the year again, where layers seem like the safest option and freezing or melting on the way home from the office are…