I asked my 5-year-old what makes him happy
I asked him, he looked up at me with his eyes wide open and then answered. The question was simple… what makes you happy Emilian? Is it strange to ask…
I asked him, he looked up at me with his eyes wide open and then answered. The question was simple… what makes you happy Emilian? Is it strange to ask…
Als wenn es möglich wäre? Alles haben! Alles können! Und dann, aber auch erst dann: glücklich sein! Endlich wirklich glücklich sein! Nein, hier erliegen wir einer Illusion, und wir wissen…
Mondays fly by much faster than I would like them to go. Every time I look back I can’t believe we are already halfway through the summer and that so…
It was the end of May when I finally got to tell you all about this great project. I had been selected as the National Brand Ambassador for Vichy. YAY,…
Originally from Slovenia but with Italian roots from her mother side, Blanka moved to Vienna with the aim of starting her own fashion line. The fashion industry was a passion…