The Day I Discovered You

4. Oktober 2018

For 1.5 years now, I am a full-time working mom … no secret for most of you, I know. Tho’ I am not sure everybody understands the amount of time we (working mothers) spend trying to fix our schedules. We run from kindergarten to the office. From the office to meetings. From meetings to (kids) appointments. In between, we do emails, phone calls and all the little things that pop up during the day. Our life is a constant mathematical formula that our brains have to work with in order to successfully manage everything and never forget anything. And still… I (we) forget stuff, too … We are NOT perfect and it’s okay.

A day in a working mother’s life can be quite hectic. Emilian needs me constantly, except during kindergarten hours of course. Once he is asleep, my “second shift” begins. Laundry, getting stuff ready for tomorrow, late emails and a bunch of other stuff that I never got to do and I just keep on postponing.

While at the office, clients absorb most of my time. Running a PR & Social Media Agency is not an easy task either, but what is anyway? I try to work on the hardest deadlines at the beginning of the day, and these tasks are usually interrupted by some meetings outside the office. At 15:00, it’s time to go again. Emilian awaits me at kindergarten. And off we go again. Whatever saves me some time, like shortcuts with the car, kitchen helpers for a quick (and healthy) dinner preparation, the smart Playbrush … ANYTHING is welcome.

So, you can probably imagine how happy new discoveries and recommendations make me. This time I want to introduce you to the AirFryer XXL by Philips. I will admit, I am no kitchen wizard or cooking master, so anything that makes my life easier in the kitchen is very much welcomed on board in our crazy household.

Not only does it practically help you cook whatever you can imagine: pre-cooked-frozen products, meat, fish and BAKERY. It also has a rapid air and fat-removal technology. There isn’t really much this kitchen helper doesn’t cook, but the best part is that it cooks itself. No need to cook it yourself. YAY!! Welcome home Mr Airfryer!

| Zusammenarbeit – In collaboration with Philips |


Seit nunmehr anderthalb Jahren führe ich das Leben einer Working Mom – ihr wisst es. Da gibt es meine PR & Social Media Agentur, und da gibt es Emilian. Beide fordern mich, beide verlangen mehr Zeit, als ich eigentlich habe. Kein Wunder, bin ich dauernd “on the run”. Hier Büro und Meetings, dort Kindergarten und Haushalt. Dazwischen Emails, Telefon und was der Tag sonst noch so bringt. Also bin ich froh um alles, was mir hilft, Zeit zu sparen:

Hier stosse ich nun auf den Airfryer XXL von Philips. Der vereinfacht mein Leben tatsächlich! Für alles, was tiefgekühlt vorgefertigt ist: Fleisch, Fisch und vor allem auch BACKWAREN. Dank modernster Technologie mit viel weniger Fett als bei herkömmlichen Fritteusen. Bei gleichzeitig schneller Aufheizzeit. Und das Allerschönste? Dieser Küchenhelfer arbeitet für mich – und ich kann ihn arbeiten lassen.


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